Sunday, February 27, 2011

Driving high

Yesterday I was stoned out of my mind and went out for a little drive. Let me be the first to tell you that when your really high, driving is scary shit. I felt as if the wheels of the car were not even touching the ground, or as if I was operating a hovercar. This may seem awesome, but driving when your fried is terrible; I almost got into an accident twice by falling asleep at the wheel. Give me some driving when high stories in the comments, I will be sure to read them! Have a nice day :)


  1. Haha I used to drive while stoned all the time. Not done it for a while because I forgot to turn when I was on a corner once :S


  2. LOL, I love the first one. You seem to think everything you do is magnificent when your high or drunk..

  3. i walked across a street high. I thought i was going to get hit buy a car instantly. I dont think i could make myself drive without freaking out.

  4. Ahah nice comics, good blog ;D
    Keep updating, I'm following!

  5. I love you hehehe bacon paradise :)
